Fostering Emotional Intelligence

As adults, emotions tend to often drive the perspective of our day. It is the same case for children. The only difference is that young children are learning how to process them.

Emotional intelligence is the understanding of how to interpret and express emotions.

When we foster emotional intelligence in young children, they will be better communicators and have an overall greater sense of self-awareness.  Read More

Cut and Tear Experiment

What child doesn’t enjoy cutting and tearing things? This was a favorite classroom activity with my preschoolers back in my teaching days.

I decided to surprise the boys with this fun experiment!  Read More

Connecting Books to Activites

Books are such an incredible tool for teaching our little ones, especially when tied to an activity. It will foster not only literacy, but purposeful learning connections.

My oldest has always loved to create and build using Legos.

So, if you have a little builder in your hands, I highly recommend this book and activity.

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