Our Weekly Screen Time Solution

I was thinking the other day how my boys are growing up in a fast paced world of everything touch screen and technology. That’s just how life is. It evolves and we adapt.

I have always thought that technology is an incredible tool for learning. However, iPads, iPhones and the many different tablets available out there can become an obsession, especially to a young child.  Read More

The Bravery in Postpartum Depression: Andriele’s Story

“I remember that every time my baby would cry, I would cry too. I didn’t know what to do. I thought it was normal to cry and be sensitive about everything. It would frighten me to be alone with my son. By just looking at him, I would get scared. The thought of him crying and the fear of not knowing what to do was more than I could bare. ” ~Andriele

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5 Ways To Inspire Your Kids

Imagine a generation of children who grew up knowing that they were created for a grand purpose in life. That they have the power, knowledge, and capability within themselves to change this world.  Read More