The Bridge Of Language Development

Let me paint you a scenario. You are standing on one side of a long bridge that is high off the ground and sustained by only ropes. You suddenly glance at that other end which appears more distant than you thought. In order to reach that far distant end there are a series of small steps in which you will need to take.  Read More

Learning Starts At Birth

The two most beautiful days of my existence are Ethan and Joshua’s birthdays.

“Birth is not only about making babies. It’s about making mothers; strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength.” ~Barbara Katz Rothman 

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The Importance of Pregnancy

MONUMENTAL is the word that in my humble opinion would best describe the moment when a woman finds out she will bring a life into this wold. Just the fact that you are carrying and growing life inside is extraordinary. Our bodies are such an amazing vessel if you think about it. We are made to GROW, BIRTH and NOURISH a human being. I personally think that with this kind of gift comes a huge responsibility. A responsibility to be the greatest mother from the start.  Read More