My little lady loves bugs. She squeals in delight when she finds one. One of her first words was actually “bug!”
The Backyard Bug by Lauren Davidson is a beautiful picture book for ages 3-5 that “follows the journey of a curious little caterpillar as it makes a big discovery—and meets lots of backyard bugs along the way!” It also has engaging learning opportunities and activities. Plus, the pictures are AMAZING!
Lauren Davidson is an Entomologist—aka “bug mom.” She is awesome and I love living vicariously through her magnificent Instagram captures @bugsologist.
Entomology is the study of insects and their relationship to humans, the environment and other living things. Entomologists help us better understand the little things that run the world.
It’s amazing to share and swap books with my younger brother now that he is a daddy. It’s an even bigger blessing that our babies are only 9 months apart and that they will grow up so close! Even though it’s his first baby and my last baby—bookend babies— we get to share and experience every stage of their development together.