One of the hardest things about being a parent is my tendency to try to figure out everything on my own. Throughout the years, I have learned that when I turn to God for guidance, I can always trust HE will come to my aide and direct me. Faith, prayers and scriptures are powerful parenting tools.
My responsibility is to always be there to protect, love, nurture, teach and guide my children. God reminds me that they are the most important work. They are HIS seeds from above that I have been entrusted with to water, so HE can make them grow. My part is to help stir and guide them to find their own spiritual gifts.
Children have their own journey that God has created them for. As they grow, they will face many trials, afflictions, temptations, disappointments alongside joy, happiness and success. As mothers who serve God, we have to be there for them not only physically and emotionally, but spiritually.
I want to be a mother who…
~Loves God with all her heart, soul, and mind.
~Leads by example through the Holy Spirit.
~Always has a Bible with her and reads it daily.
~Sings/plays hymns or worship music. Why play mainstream tunes that convey immoral messages through lyrics and fills our little ones hearts with poison?
~Prays with her children throughout the day and lifts them up in prayer when they are away.
~Prays that her children grow up to be God-fearing, humble servants—servants who love The Lord more than anything in this life and are ready to work for the prosperity of God’s kingdom. Work those talents from above!
~Reads scripture to her children daily and talks about God constantly.
~Texts bible verses to her teenagers.
~Is an example of the Proverbs 31 woman.
~Takes (possibly drags) them to church even if they nag and proclaim they don’t want to!
~Teaches how important it is to look for a future spouse that is God-fearing so the center of the marriage is always The Lord. I already pray for my future daughter in laws—that they may be women of God who love and serve our King. I pray they are protected, guided and blessed by our Heavenly Father all of their lives. I haven’t met them yet, but my heart already holds immense love for them.
~Advises to go to church and look for the answers to life through God’s word.
~Reminds her children that they are God’s masterpieces—created with purpose to edify HIS name.
When you consistently pray and discover the spiritual treasures given by God through HIS Holy Spirit, your life’s purpose will unfold and align to the heart.
~Is an example that if you have a big dream, you give it to God in prayer. Place it in HIS hands, but don’t just sit around and wait. Work and advance daily toward doing the best work on your end. Show God how much you desire it.
Most importantly, I pray my children love others and have compassion in their hearts for everyone. I always tell them to put on their spiritual glasses—see the world through God’s eyes. Even the smallest of creations, such as an ant or spider, is made by our Heavenly Father.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.